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Better together: Move from awareness to real action in 2024

Mental Health Awareness Week (23 – 29 September 2024), R U OK? Day (12 September 2024) and World Mental Health Day (10 October 2024) are just around the corner.

While action is important all year round, these dates provide a chance to spotlight support and foster connection. Find fresh ideas and tools to help you make the most of this opportunity.

20 Aug: Universal lessons from rowing on wellbeing and teamwork for MHAW

With everything going on, it’s a such welcome relief to have something inspiring to focus on, and the Olympics are doing just that.

Get your FREE ROW planning template now. DOWNLOAD

Looking for more?

Book a workshop or give the gift of care this year

Our workshops offer practical content designed for busy schedules. We focus on equipping leaders with essential tools to navigate uncertainty, manage cognitive overload, and handle emotional strain in a world of heightened workloads and job insecurity.


Sarah McGuinness, a recognised mental health speaker and Founder/CEO of ROW, shares her fascinating lived experience with burnout in this highly informative workshop. She delves into what it is, how to recognise it and prevent and overcome it.


Give the gift of care. A great resource for supporting employee mental health, this thoughtful pack of self care cards contains 30 easy ideas for creating five minutes of awesomeness. Grounded in psychology, each card contains a simple little or no cost wellbeing idea.


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