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12 low cost event ideas for promoting mental health at work


Mental health awareness at work is crucial, and organising events can be a powerful way to promote wellbeing. Whether it’s offering tools for better wellbeing or fostering open conversations, events can raise awareness without being overwhelming. Here’s a guide to some creative event ideas to help normalise mental health at work. 

If you're planning ahead for key moments like Mental Health Awareness Week or R U OK? Day, this article is for you. These occasions offer the perfect opportunity to spark conversations, foster connection, and show your team that their wellbeing matters in your workplace.

But before we dive into event ideas, there’s a few important things to cover first.


Tip 1: Get clear on your working definition of mental health

Let’s start with the big question: what do we really mean when we talk about mental health at work? Is it just about managing pressure, or is it a bigger, ongoing conversation that covers everything from depression and burnout to resilience and flourishing? The reality is, mental health can look different for everyone, and understanding that is key to getting the right approach in place. Mental health is a broad spectrum (see the mental health continuum).

Despite the increased attention on mental health, there’s still a lot of misunderstanding. Some might think it doesn’t apply to them, or they may only associate it with big, acute issues.

So, here's the first tip: ensure you have a clear definition of mental health for your workplace. Some organisations use frameworks like the Five Ways to Wellbeing, while others use a custom definition that resonates with their team’s specific needs. Whatever approach you take, the key is that it aligns with your team's values and experiences.


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