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Wendy Chittock, Panpac

Podcast episode

Wendy Chittock, Panpac

Wendy Chittock, Health, Safety & Wellbeing Co-ordinator, Panpac


Why is wellbeing important to you and your organisation?

I want to see everybody thrive and reach their full potential in all aspects of their lives.  Although Pan Pac is a Japanese-owned organisation, we share common core values of honesty, integrity, fairness and helpfulness. I have woven these values into our wellbeing framework.

My overarching desire is to build a healthier, more resilient workforce by influencing and supporting our people to develop healthy holistic habits.


What is currently in place at your workplace when it comes to wellbeing?

Since coming into my role, we’ve established the four-pillar approach of Physical, Mental, Career and Financial wellbeing. Our monthly Wellbeing newsletter highlights our focus areas for the month, which often align with current national campaigns (e.g., Men’s Health Month, Pink Shirt Day.)

While our people have always had access to EAP services, we have a 90% male population in the manufacturing industry, who are not naturally inclined to reach out for help when they may need it. To address this, we developed the Peer Supporters network. These supporters are trained to recognise the signs and symptoms of someone experiencing depression, stress or anxiety. They are taught approaches on how to respond to help their co-workers. They offer immediate support and help bridge the gap to staff accessing EAP.


What do you enjoy about working with us and our approach?

The ROW network enables me to connect with other professionals at all stages of their corporate wellbeing journey. The benefit of learning from their tried and tested initiatives in a New Zealand cultural context is enjoyable and exciting.

Having all this connection and education in the well organised professional ROW package certainly makes a difference to my own professional development and the value I can then impart to my organisation.

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