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Kathryn Jackson, careerbalance

Podcast episode

Kathryn Jackson, careerbalance

Kathryn Jackson
Kathryn Jackson, Learning & development coach, careerbalance


Why is wellbeing important to workplaces right now?

Wellbeing at work has ALWAYS been important for a variety of reasons.  When people are feeling good and functioning well they do great work, build strong relationships and grow healthy communities. Right now, a wellbeing focus is also important because, quite simply it’s the right thing to do. Humans have been hurting at work for a lot longer than the pandemic, just look at the a global stress levels for your industry. I believe that going beyond engagement, and exploring real wellbeing at work will be the holy grail for organisations who want to thrive in this turbulent world we live in.  If your people can better navigate significant change then it’s more likely that your business will too.


What is your hope for 2021 in terms of workplaces wellbeing?

My hope is that 2021 brings an additional lens which extends beyond helping our employees who have hit rock bottom. Instead of just directing them to psychological first aid and employee assistance programmes (which for the benefit of the tape are both a critical parts of building wellbeing at work), I hope that more workplaces invest in helping their team to grow stronger at looking after themselves when life gets stressful so they don’t hit rock bottom in the first place. I also hope that workplaces also get more serious about making sure they have leaders who understand and nurture wellbeing at work – because this relationship is often at the heart of workplace stressors.


What is it about ROW that resonates with you or why do you like being part of ROW?

I first worked with Sarah during the rebuild of Christchurch, and it has been an honour to be part of her wellbeing champions network for the past couple of years. I am absolutely driven to make a difference to how workplaces understand and build stronger teams and ROW’s vision to up-skill wellbeing champions aligns perfectly to this. By supporting wellbeing champions and growing their knowledge, skills and confidence my work will ripple further, faster.  As a coach, my focus is always on supporting self-management, capability and strength – ROW gives me the perfect platform for this.


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