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Sheree Knight, nib New Zealand

Podcast episode

Sheree Knight, nib New Zealand

Sheree Knight
sheree knight, whs business partner – people and culture, nib New Zealand


Why is wellbeing important to you and your organisation?

At nib we are passionate about ensuring workplace health, safety and wellbeing for all our employees, members, travellers and communities.

We have a strong commitment to become a trusted health partner, to make preventative and personalised healthcare and wellbeing initiatives more accessible through our vision statement – “Your Better Health”.


What is currently in place at your workplace when it comes to wellbeing?

Our wellbeing programme has been on a journey over the last six years. It initially consisted of typical ad hoc initiatives such as the annual round the bays event, biggest loser initiative, flu vaccinations and weekly fruit bowls.

More recently, our program has included employee events, including

  • Round the Bays, shifted into P&C team and we developed nib Train for the Bays which developed into nibMOVE.
  • Quarterly wellbeing initiatives
  • Health hubs (making health & wellbeing services accessible by bringing them onsite)
  • Awareness campaigns
  • Financial awareness & 1:1 banking consultations / alcohol awareness / EAP awareness / skin checks / mental health month etc.

Following the success of these initiatives we were challenged to develop a digital wellbeing initiative that was ‘plug and play’ in collaboration with our wellness portal provider myhealthhq. We also developed nibSTEP.

We identified mental health as one of our biggest risks for our people and we developed nibMINDfull.

These initiatives were developed and run locally in NZ and as our Group WHS team became more established the Group wellbeing programme began to expand to include NZ with local providers sourced with support from NZ P&C Coordinator.

The WHS function is now a Group team with a Group Head of WHS and two WHS Business Partners.

For our COVID-19 response, we focussed our response and wellbeing support on virtual yoga / nibSTEP @home edition / 6-week wellbeing bootcamp through Assure EAP.

We are currently working on developing a Group wellbeing framework and Wellbeing Index which will allow us to test hypothesis and measure how employee wellbeing connects to our purpose and commercial outcomes.


What do you enjoy about working with us and our approach?

To join a community of wellbeing advocates to share ideas and learnings – interesting to see what wellbeing looks like in other organisations.

Raise awareness of all the wellbeing knowledge and tools available to make them as accessible as possible for all Kiwis.

I like that it’s accessible and free for anyone who is passionate about wellbeing to join and get support to help influence wellbeing for the people in their organisation. The diverse speakers and members from a range of industry backgrounds – not just all large corporates, plus the depth of knowledge, experience and most importantly, passion that Sarah and wider team bring to the network.

Sarah McGuinness and Hannah Hardy-Jones have provided exceptional support, including providing resources for the research into our Group wellbeing frameworks and tech solutions.

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