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Rachel Bishell, NZ Post

Podcast episode

Rachel Bishell, NZ Post

Rachel Bishell
Rachel Bishell, Safety & Wellbeing Business Partner, NZ Post


Why is wellbeing important to your organisation?  

Wellbeing is important to us because we believe that to enable our NZ Post people to thrive, they are encouraged to be themselves, to bring their best, and help each other be successful. We show aroha and look after each other through life’s difficulties. We are whanau, together creating something better for each other, our customers and Aotearoa.


What does wellbeing look like in your organisation? (i.e. where are you at on the journey?)

  • Wellbeing is not something we just talk about once or twice a year; it is something that we encourage all of our people to think about every day and see how they can incorporate wellbeing at work and at home.
  • Wellbeing is about providing workshops like GoodYarn, Hummingly, Unconscious Bias to our people so they continue to grow and learn and support each other.
  • Wellbeing looks like our people are happy to come to work, they have a good life outside of work and they are supported and cared for.
  • We have recently appointed a Wellbeing Lead (who lives and breathes wellbeing) and is bringing our wellbeing mantra of L.I.F.E ( Living it Fully Everyday) to life which has been a huge win for the business and the people.


What attracted you to be part of ROW – in the Network and in Gold and how has it helped you?

I was attracted to be part of ROW because of the experiences and knowledge I have gained through the Wellness Champions network and wanted to continue the journey of discovery in Wellbeing. Unfortunately, I have not been able to spend as much time in ROW as I would have liked due to business needs over the last few months, but I will be making a conscious effort to be more involved.

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