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Hannah Hardy-Jones, Kite

Podcast episode

Hannah Hardy-Jones, Kite

Hannah Hardy-Jones
hannah hardy-jones, CEO/Founder – The Kite Program


Why is wellbeing important to workplaces right now?

The level of stress and uncertainty for people right now is huge and as workplaces we need to be giving people the tools and techniques to survive and then thrive both at work and at home. Happy and well people are not only good for the culture but also impacts the bottom line too- now more than ever.


What is your hope for 2021 in terms of workplaces wellbeing?

I hope that more employers see the link between home and work in terms of wellbeing and that it is not just about the immediate workplace, and from there that more tailored and customised support tools are offered to people. I also hope that mental health continues to be a key conversation, and that issues such as suicide and serious mental health illnesses are discussed more to educate and break the stigma.


What is it about ROW that resonates with you or why do you like being part of ROW?

ROW is about building capability by connecting and collaborating which is immensely important at this time. We can all learn so much from each other and there is no use operating in silos when it comes to wellbeing strategy and initiatives. ROW is a wonderful connector and empowering mechanism to take workplace wellbeing to the next level.

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