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Fiona Deehan, Deehan Leadership Collaborative

Podcast episode

Fiona Deehan, Deehan Leadership Collaborative

Fiona Deehan
fiona deehan, Leadership, Professional Transformation + Strengths Coach, Facilitator + Consultant, deehan leadership collaborative


Why is wellbeing important to workplaces right now?

Human resources are not sustainable if we don’t take care of them and our people are the most important thing in the world. He aha te mea nui o te ao. He tāngata, he tāngata, he tāngata. What is the most important thing in the world? It is people, it is people, it is people.

Taking care of our people, creating psychologically safe workplaces and enabling them to bring their whole selves to their work, positively impacts business and social outcomes and this year has highlighted the role of workplaces as social safety nets for their people.


What is your hope for 2021 in terms of workplaces wellbeing?

That everything we have learned from 2020 is not forgotten.  That workplace leaders have the courage to reflect deeply, listen to their people, care for themselves, take the learnings that have emerged this year and plan and act for the future with these in mind.  Knowing is not the same as doing…. Let’s convert knowledge into action.


What is it about ROW that resonates with you or why do you like being part of ROW?

I wholeheartedly believe in the power of partnership and collaboration when it comes to scaling positive impact and driving change.  While we can do great things alone, I believe we can do better together.  Of the ROW crew partners I know personally, I know they are purpose-driven change-makers who are well-respected, credible and experts in their fields.  Why wouldn’t I want to be in the company of these kind of people?

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