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Doug Paulin, Sealord

Podcast episode

Doug Paulin, Sealord



Why is wellbeing is important to you and your organisation?

Sealord has always viewed our people as the most important foundation for our success now and into the future, ensuring our people are engaged with our business at all hierarchical levels has been a long term objective. The individual ‘Wellbeing’ of our people in a holistic sense has been identified as a pivotal lever in lifting engagement, performance and generally how our people feel in themselves.


What is currently in place at Sealord when it comes to wellbeing?

Whilst ‘people engagement’ has been a long term pursuit for Sealord, ‘Wellbeing’ within that is in its infancy, we have investigated what wellbeing means to our people, tried to distil this into a meaningful platform and recently launched that platform across the business.


What did you enjoy about working with us?

There was a clear process to follow that identified critical requirements to ensure that there would be meaningful outcomes that could be actioned by the business. The approach was built in a collaborative manner that emphasised the need for total business buy-in and the requirement to involve all hierarchical levels in the investigation phase. The overall approach fitted well with Sealord values.

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