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Mary Abbott, Environment Canterbury

Podcast episode

Mary Abbott, Environment Canterbury

Mary Abbott


Why is wellbeing important to you and your organisation?

Our vision when it comes to wellbeing is to have a culture where the wellbeing or hauora of our people is at the heart of what we do and is interwoven in all we do, ko te oranga tangata te iho o Te Kaunihera Taiao ki Waitaha. It’s a central component of ensuring that we care for our people and is one of the reasons why Environment Canterbury’s such a great place to work.


What is currently in place at your workplace when it comes to wellbeing?

We utilise the holistic Te Whare Tapa Whā model of wellbeing at Environment Canterbury, and our main focus is on embedding wellbeing into our culture so that it just becomes a part of everything we do. We have a Wellbeing Champions group who lead this work across the organisation, an Executive sponsor, and many collaborative Wellbeing Supporters who all work together to ensure that the way we do business supports and enhances both our people’s and the organisation’s wellbeing.


What do you enjoy about working with us?

I joined the ROW Network (formally the Wellness Champions Network) after being referred by a fellow group member and because I was keen to connect with other like-minded professionals working in the wellbeing space. It’s been a great way to connect and share with others, to find new inspiration, and to give back to those just starting out on their wellbeing journeys.

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