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this survey is now closed

Thank you for your interest. If you would like to contribute to this research project, please contact the ROW Crew at

There are many surveys asking about employee wellbeing, and senior leaders regularly report wellbeing as one of the top issues for workplaces right now.

But what about your role as a wellbeing manager? What do you enjoy about your role and what are the challenges? How easy is it to do what you’d like to be able to do?
We’d like to hear from you

We’re conducting research to better understand the emerging role of the ‘wellbeing manager’ in organisations.

We define a wellbeing manager as the person (or people) responsible for developing workplace wellbeing strategies and programs in the workplace. You may do this role full time, or it may be part of your role in human resources, health and safety, or another function.


How will the data be used?

With COVID-19 far from over, your contribution to this research will be important as it will inform development opportunities and advocacy for your role going forward. We appreciate your time is valuable and anticipate the questionnaire will take no more than 15 minutes.

The results of the survey will be published in a public, shareable briefing report. We anticipate the report will be ready for release in early 2022.


Doesn’t apply to you?

If you’re one of our industry experts or feel someone else in your network is better placed to answer this – could you please share this with your colleagues? We’d love to get as many responses as possible as that will help to strengthen the data insights and the actions we can all take from the results.

Thank you so much in advance!



You may be assured of the complete anonymity and confidentiality of data gathered in this investigation: no personal identification data will be gathered and your organisation will not be identified.

Please note, your email address is required to access the survey from the ROW website ( Completing the email address field helps us to reduce the chance of spam responses and preserve the integrity of the data. Your email address is kept entirely separate from your answers and, if you are not a ROW member, we will only use your email address to notify you when the report is released.

If you have any questions about the survey, please contact the ROW Crew: together[@]

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