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The Kite Program

Introducing the Kite Program

Kite is a tailored and customisable wellbeing and development solution- delivered via a cleverly designed mobile app.

As the lead national distributor for Kite in New Zealand, we can help you create a personalised app with practical daily activities to boost the wellbeing of your people.


The Kite story

Kite was originally developed as a wellbeing solution for mothers by Hannah Hardy Jones. Off the back of its global success, it is now available as an exceptional tech solution for business. Kite focuses on small steps that lead to great change and the program is based around practical daily activities to achieve this.


How the Kite Program works

The program consists of topics (Kites)- varying in length and content. The topics and activities can be completely tailored to your workforce, and each client has the ability to make changes and add content through their own online portal.

We recommend clients include personal topics around stress, sleep, relationships, juggling work, a technology detox and budgeting. Kite can provide you with this content.

Other wellbeing themes include confidence, returning from parental leave, travelling for work and sleep deprivation. Kites can also be created around soft skills such as time management, interpersonal skills, effective meetings, and leadership.


Perfect for any workplace

The Kite Program as a solution is that it is completely client led and new Kites can be easily added over time depending on the needs of the workforce. Enquire today.

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