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Power Up: Wellbeing Assist

Supercharge your efforts with our wellbeing capacity assist service

Power Up allows you to supercharge your workplace’s wellbeing initiatives amid your busy schedule. We step in when your other duties take priority, helping to lighten the load and light up the path to a healthier work environment.

In today’s fast-paced work world, creating a thriving workforce is vital. Employee need for support is greater than ever. As the person responsible for wellbeing in your workplace, you’re well aware of the time crunch and pressing tasks that keep you busy. Plus, you’re often managing other tasks that take you away from your wellbeing goals. Our Power Up service is here to give you a helping hand in wellbeing without adding more load to your plate.


Introducing Power Up: Wellbeing Capacity Assist

Power Up is our wellbeing capacity assistance service, designed to provide you with the extra capacity needed to boost employee wellbeing. We understand the pressure you face – limited time, endless demands, and the need for resources to drive wellbeing. Our service seamlessly integrates with your journey, providing solutions that will fuel your employees and, ultimately, the health of your workplace.

Essentially, you can outsource to us whatever you need to get done. We’ll take care of it. From conducting planning to rolling out campaigns, creating calendars to chairing champion meetings, we’re here to help. It might be project-based, event-based, or task-based. 


How it works

Stage 1: Ignite the vision – We’ll meet with you for a 45 min conversation that helps us both understand your business’ and employees’ needs and where you’d like to go.  You may have a clear view of what you need (e.g. you’ve identified you need help with Mental Health Awareness Week), or you may still be working it out – that’s ok. We can help you wherever you are on your journey.

You can choose the way that suits you best:

  1. Sustained Power Source: Choose the retainer option to maintain a steady supply of wellbeing capacity. We allocate monthly hours, helping you focus on boosting wellbeing. As your wellbeing program grows, we adapt quickly to keep the power flowing.
  2. Quick Power Charge: Choose our one-off projects for a swift injection of wellbeing  capacity where needed.  You set the scope, and we provide a quote based on the time required. Our expertise ensures you get the most from every project.

Stage 2: Turning sparks into momentum – Next, we’ll present a proposal to you, outlining our recommended actions. It will include what’s to come, investment options, and a timeline. It’s all driven by our shared commitment and passion for improving wellbeing.

Stage 3: Power up and bring it to life – It’s time to flick the switch and light up your workplace! We’ll get to work on the scope of what we’ve agreed – turning a vision into reality.  We work to a no-surprises policy – making sure the lines of communication remain open, providing insights into our progress, anticipated timelines, and resource allocation. We’ll meet with you periodically, keeping you in the driver’s seat.

Benefits of using Power Up: Wellbeing Capability Assist

Engaging ROW’s Power Up service:

  • Makes your life easier – we can provide workplace wellbeing services and support for initiatives you don’t have the time or expertise to manage.
  • Positions you as a leader – show your people that you truly care about their wellbeing by giving them access to the services they need, when they need it.
  • Saves you time and money – we can take on monthly tasks or small projects so that you can focus on the big picture.
  • Are workplace specialists – we have worked in corporate environments and across wellbeing roles, so can provide realistic, practical advice and guidance. Plus, our concierge service can bring insights from working across clients (there’s no point in reinventing the wheel!).
  • Know the big picture matters – we will work with you to understand your strategy and your goals, and ensure your program delivers.
  • Are focused on results – we are as invested in the wellbeing of your people as you are and will make sure that initiatives are making a tangible difference.


Delivered by professionals, powered by passion

Our wellbeing power experts, the ROW Crew, are dedicated to fueling your success.

Sheree Knight
Business Partner - People and Culture

I love that ROW is at the end of the phone when I need them. The concierge service has helped us with numerous projects and I’ve greatly appreciated the help and expertise. It’s fast-tracked projects too, which means we’ve been able to keep the focus on wellbeing across the business and improve the visibility and engagement.

Supercharge your efforts: complete the enquiry form or contact us.

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