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Workplace wellbeing peer-review


Get a fresh perspective on your workplace wellbeing approach with ROW’s peer review process 

Benefit from objective review and advice from experts to take your wellbeing strategy to the next level

If your organisation/industry is fairly advanced in its approach to wellbeing – or you just need a fresh perspective, then a ROW Peer Review is a great way to take your wellbeing strategy to the next level.

Objective review and advice from others — a peer review — is an important part of continuous development when it comes to workplace wellbeing.

ROW’s Peer Review is a powerful and effective tool for enhancing the relevance, effectiveness, and results of your organisation’s wellbeing approach because it taps the experiences and insights of our independent team of experts. Plus, we can share insights from our conversations with wellbeing managers around the world. 

Our Peer Review process is highly collaborative with the overarching goal being to understand where your organisation/industry is at, identify and find solutions to obstacles and offer new insights to help you to be successful.

In addition, our Peer Review process is tailored to your organisation’s specific needs and goals, ensuring that the recommendations we provide are actionable and will drive change. At ROW, we understand that wellbeing strategies are not one-size-fits-all. That’s why we work closely with our clients to customise the review process and ensure that the resulting recommendations align with their unique culture, values, and goals.

With ROW’s Peer Review, you can be confident that you are receiving expert advice that will help you to create a happier, healthier, and more productive workplace for your employees.


How it works

Our Peer Review broadly follows three stages and can be tailored depending on the desired scope.

Stage 1: Planning and discoveryTo begin, we work with you to determine the purpose, scope and desired outcomes of the review, plus identify key stakeholders. In this stage, we also collect the relevant information and data needed to make an informed review.

Stage 2: Conduct evaluation – Through the evaluation process, we analyze the data and undertake any additional research required (such as 1:1 interviews with key stakeholders).

Stage 3: Report recommendations – We summarise the collected data and insights into a report with follow-up actions and suggested focus areas, presenting these to you in a 1-hour workshop.

Depending on your requirements, we can then provide you with support to roll-out recommendations.

I love that ROW is at the end of the phone when I need them. The team has helped us with numerous projects and I’ve greatly appreciated the help and expertise. It’s fast-tracked projects too, which means we’ve been able to keep the focus on wellbeing across the business and improve the visibility and engagement.”

– Sheree Knight, Health Safety & Wellbeing Business Partner, nib

Fast-track your focus: complete the enquiry form or contact us.

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