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Kite Support

Our world has changed

Covid-19 has dramatically changed how people work and live around the globe. Living in isolation can bring a new set of challenges. It can impact relationships and how we stay connected.  

Our current environment also challenges how we manage work and juggle life with family and friends.

Taking care is important

Living and working through uncertain times can impact the way we think, feel and look after ourselves. Supporting yourself and/or employees through this time is critical.

Taking care will help you and the people in your life – family, friends and colleagues – to maintain wellbeing and develop resilience in the long term.

Wellbeing support for leaders, employees and you through Covid-19

Kite Support is a unique app designed for individuals and employers to support employees through Covid-19.
It provides people with essential skills to adapt and develop resilience during times of change.
Support your wellbeing and those around you during this uncertain time.
Kite Support

Kite Support is:

  • Easy to get started and use.
  • Perfect for people in different living and working situations.
  • Developed by experts in health, wellbeing and organisational development.
  • Updated regularly with relevant content as we navigate the changing environment.
  • Based on micro-learning with bite-size daily activities to reduce the overload.
  • Available following the simple steps below.


This is a time of unprecedented upheaval and we want people to have a safe, calming place to go. This is why we’ve reduced the cost of Kite Support for individuals and businesses by 90% to $9.99NZD (per user subscription) until 31 March 2021. We’re doing it because it’s the right thing to do and we want this in as many hands as possible so it can start to make a difference. Today.

NEW ZELAND: $9.99 NZD  |  AUSTRALIA: $9.99 AUD  |  UK: £4.99 GBP  |  Euro: €4.99 EUR  |  USA / WORLD: $4.99 USD

Price is per user subscription for one year (and excludes local fees and taxes).

Be proactive with Kite Support

Kite Support has been designed to give people wellbeing support through this unusual time. It is a unique app that offers access to wellbeing content developed by experts.

Subscriptions to Kite Support are for one year.  Access learning modules that interest you, at your own pace (see the current full list here).

Personal wellbeing

Learn about mindset, self-care, managing anxiety, and coping with isolation.

Social wellbeing

Learn about strengthening relationships, communication, mental health awareness and managing parental guilt while working at home.

Leading through change

Learn about managing through adversity, wellbeing leadership and managing remote teams.

New ways of working

Learn about remote working, managing expectations, habits for success and staying connected.

Developed by an expert team

Kite Support has been developed by a team of qualified professionals, collaborating to bring this supportive resource to life.

Hannah Hardy-Jones

BA (Psych), PGDIP HRM  |  CEO/Founder – The Kite Program

Hannah is the Strategy Lead for Kite Support.

Hannah has an extensive background in HR, specialising in leadership development and employee relations. She developed the concept of Kite as a result of her experience with postpartum bipolar disorder after the birth of her first child, coupled with the lack of support and tools for employees she saw in the workplace to manage their mental health, focus on their wellbeing, and to improve themselves both professionally and personally. 

Using the principles of microlearning, Hannah created Kite to be the beautiful app that it is now. It launched globally in Feb 2019 as a tool for mothers (Kite for mums), and is now available as a template for any client or group to mould and shape, so that it is applicable and relevant to their audience- under the arm of Kite for Business. Hannah has a team of 20 consultants rolling this solution out across Latin America, USA, UK/Ireland, Europe, Australia and NZ.

Hannah speaks openly about her mental health, and has been featured in Forbes, appeared on TV1 Seven Sharp and TV3 The Project, the front page of The Press- as well as numerous magazines, radio, articles and podcasts. She is an active mental health advocate- with a passion for maternal and paternal mental health in particular.

Sarah McGuinness

BCS, BSc(Hons), GradDipPsych, DipProCoaching, Cert IV Training & Assessment, Cert III Fitness  |  CEO/Founder – Revolutionaries of Wellbeing

Sarah is the Operations Lead for Kite Support.

As the CEO/Founder of Revolutionaries of Wellbeing (formally My Health Revolution), Sarah advises senior leaders on how to build happy and healthy workplaces. She brings a wealth of knowledge and experience in corporate wellbeing and behaviour change and has supported well-known New Zealand brands to improve the wellbeing of their people. Sarah is the founder of the Wellness Champions Network- which connects wellbeing professionals around New Zealand.

She draws on her honours degree in psychology and degree in communication, training in health behaviour, fitness and facilitation, plus a 15+ year career in the corporate sector specialising in leadership and organisational development. 

She is a passionate mental fitness and wellbeing champion and is determined to reduce stigma and improve conversations around mental health. Her tips on taking care in the modern world have featured in the media including on Stuff, Newshub/TV3, MiNDFOOD, Newstalk ZB and RNZ.

Revolutionaries of Wellbeing is the global distributor for Kite Support and New Zealand distributor for Kite for Business.

Kathryn Jackson

FRSA, FCIPD, EIA EMCC, MA  |  Learning & development coach – careerbalance

Kathryn is the Content Lead for Kite Support.

A Christchurch based Learning & Development Coach with over 20 years of HR consulting and coaching experience, Kathryn’s employment in corporate UK included Andersen’s, the Royal Bank of Scotland and Bank of Scotland.

Kathryn’s business careerbalance Ltd has been providing coaching, facilitation, career transition and outplacement services to New Zealand businesses for over 10 years, with most of her work based on long-term partnerships to deliver significant and sustainable change. She specializes in supporting professionals and leaders to enhance their leadership style and the wellbeing and culture of their teams.

Kathryn has a first-class honours degree specialising in HR – with a subsequent master’s exploring motivation at work.  She trained with the Oxford School of Coaching and Mentoring in 2005 and since then has completed additional training as a Career Coach.  She was accepted as a Fellow with the CIPD in 2015 and awarded a Senior Practitioner Accreditation with the EMCC in 2017

Her latest book, Resilience at Work; Practical Tools for Career Success (Routledge, 2018), was a finalist in the Top Six Best International Business Book at the Business Book Awards (London) and the Australian Career Book Awards 2019. She has also authored Essential Questions to GROW Your Team, a practical leadership coaching resource which is used by organisations and business schools around the world.

Prof Brian Dolan OBE

FFNMRCSI, FRSA, MSc(Oxon), MSc(Lond), RMN, RGN  |   Director, Health Service 360, Honorary Professor of Leadership in Healthcare, University of Salford, Visiting Professor of Nursing, Oxford Institute of Nursing, Midwifery & Allied Health Research (OxINMAHR), Oxford

Professor Brian Dolan OBE is the Clinical Lead for Kite Support.

Brian is Director of Health Service 360 (UK) and Director of Service Improvement, Canterbury District Health Board, New Zealand where his role includes whole system culture engagement, leadership and change. He also consults in Australia, the UK and Ireland. He has published over 70 papers in a range of journals and is author/editor of seven books, mainly on emergency care and leadership and is a much sought after conference and Masterclass speaker.

He holds Masters degrees from Oxford University and King’s College, London and is a Visiting Professor of Nursing at the Oxford Institute for Nursing Midwifery and Allied Health Research, and Honorary Professor of Leadership in Healthcare at Salford University, UK. He has established global two social movements in healthcare focusing on patient safety and in June 2018 was voted one of the top 20 most influential people in the history of the UK’s National Health Service (NHS). In the 2019 New Year’s Honours List, Brian was awarded an OBE ‘For Services to Nursing and Emergency Care’ by HM the Queen.

His expertise in wellbeing, coaching, lean principles, business improvement, and leadership can be related to any business, and as a business owner himself he understands the pressures this creates.

Brian has partnered with Hannah to implement the Kite Program across the health industry globally. As a dual-qualified registered nurse, Brian’s clinical background is in emergency and mental health care.

Rhonda D’Ambrosio

ILM Accredited Performance Coach & NLP Practitioner. Fellow of the Institute of Recruitment Professionals    |    Transformation Director – ebenable, Founder – Mental Health in Recruitment  & Mental Health First Aider (MHFA) England 

Rhonda is the Sales and Marketing Lead for Kite Support.

Rhonda has 22 years’ experience across specialist tech, human resources and business support recruitment, working all aspects of the job up to senior Operational Management, Leadership and Board roles for StartUps, SMEs and large recruitment organisations. She supports growing organisations through strong culture, engagement, continuous learning and people development.

She is a FIRP accredited recruitment professional and qualified performance coach 12 years developing recruitment techniques and frameworks based on human behaviour, 6 years of which have been focused on quality of thinking and resilience for performance.

Her approach concentrates on creating a foundation for transformation through developing mindset at both organisational and individual level and understanding mental health in the recruitment workplace, something that underpins all areas of personal development that supports both business and individual growth.

ebenable is the global distributor for Kite Recruitment.

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