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Anya Gregg, Manaaki Whenua

Podcast episode

Anya Gregg, Manaaki Whenua

Anya Gregg


Why is wellbeing important to you and your organisation?

Manaaki Tangata, caring for each other, is one of the key values of Manaaki Whenua. The wellbeing of all our people is a priority, and as an employer we wish to cherish, conserve and sustain our people by embedding wellbeing into everyday operating practices, which enables staff to be proactive and Manaaki Whenua responsive to health and wellbeing needs.


What is currently in place at your workplace when it comes to wellbeing?

The Manaaki Whenua wellbeing approach/strategy is underpinned by the principles of three models of health and wellbeing relevant to New Zealand: Te Whare Tapa Whā, the Five Ways to Wellbeing and PERMA. Wellbeing is embedded in our policies and operating practices. For example, we recently changed our company finance / project management system. Although it was a technical change we focused on how we could use the system as a platform to ensure a better way of working for our people. As a result we developed an overarching programme to modify our cultural practices to enhance our people and project leadership. This helped us to manage delivery, capacity and pressure on our people. We also have monthly wellbeing themes to keep wellbeing at the forefront.


What do you enjoy about working with us?

I joined the ROW Network (formally the Wellness Champions Network) as an opportunity to learn about other organisations’ wellbeing practices and to keep momentum on Manaaki Whenua’s monthly wellbeing themes. ROW Gold presented an opportunity to hold a professional wellbeing membership where I could continue to learn from others but also gain up-to-date information from the wellbeing leaders I actively follow in New Zealand.

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