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Join the premier program for workplace wellbeing professionals
Get awesome support, access forward-thinking tools, and lead the future of workplace wellbeing with ROW Gold

Join ROW’s trailblazing wellbeing program

Let’s transform tomorrow’s workplaces together

As a workplace wellbeing professional, you are a changemaker. You are an advocate. You are a revolutionary. But it’s hard to kickstart and sustain a revolution all by yourself.

Effective wellbeing professionals need diverse skills—mental health literacy, executive influence, and culture change to name but a few. Importantly, wellbeing professionals also need a support team.

The profession is made up of a diverse range of people. What unites us is our collective drive to improve wellbeing for the long term. Whoever you are – you have a place here with us in ROW Gold. Let’s redefine the future of workplace wellbeing, together. 

Check out a free ROW Gold sample module today.

Four core elements for your success

After hundreds of conversations with wellbeing managers from all around the world, we’re delighted to share the updated ROW Gold for 2024 with you – the home for all wellbeing managers to connect, learn, and thrive.

We’ve designed the new ROW Gold around four key pillars to enhance your effectiveness as a wellbeing professional:

  • Personalised development: Get insights and guidance on your opportunities and challenges from the expert ROW Crew through select 1:1 coaching sessions.
  • On-demand tools and resources: Learn at your own pace through the ROW Platform’s rich range of resources, including videos, templates, guides, articles, activities, podcasts and more. Find the content you need – when you need it.
  • Live expert events: Participate in monthly peer-to-peer masterclasses and ROW Sparks sessions led by the ROW Crew. Sessions are recorded so you won’t miss out on valuable learning.
  • Peer learning: Connect with and learn from other ROW Gold members who are just as driven and passionate about wellbeing as you are. Share and learn from their experience, and build your network.

You’ll be supported by a thriving community that encourages your aspirations, shares your passion, and propels you toward success. You’ll find your tribe with us.

Benefits of joining ROW Gold

Find your tribe

Here, everyone is passionate about improving the work environment. It’s a space where newcomers like you can find guidance and resources, and collaborate with others who share your commitment to making workplaces better.

Activate change

Access a treasure trove of essential strategies and knowledge to empower your role as someone who advocates for better workplaces. It’s about getting equipped with tools and innovative ideas to build positive changes in your workplace environment.

Influence for impact

Develop the ability to influence leaders’ decisions positively. Learn approaches that go beyond the basics, enabling you to craft a sustainable culture where employee wellbeing takes centre stage, contributing to a more engaged and productive workforce.


With 16 modules, hours of video content, and tons of resources, ROW Gold is a constantly evolving program designed to meet your needs


brijana neale
Brijana Neale
Foodstuffs North Island
Communication and Wellbeing Specialist

I have really enjoyed delving into ROW Gold! It is an incredibly intuitive, well thought out and structured program. I love how easy it is to go to a topic you are interested in or you have questions about and all the information is there. There is no need to filter through 100s of resources, ROW has already done the hard graft and found the best of the best. The mixture of links, videos, podcasts, diagrams, templates and articles caters very well for all learnings styles. As a bonus to top it off, you get a sense of satisfaction by watching your percentage of completion creep up as you work through different modules!

Wellness Champion New Zealand
Sarah Mason
Fulton Hogan
National Wellbeing Manager

I am always sharing my work and supporting others to do the same, ensuring that no-one has to reinvent the wheel. This is what I really love about ROW Gold, it’s a thriving community of like-minded individuals, all committed to furthering workplace wellbeing for everyone and who truly believe in lifting one another up and sharing.

kate williamson
Kate Williamson
People & Culture Advisor

ROW Gold has replaced my need for any other professional membership. I find that it meets my learning and networking needs much more than other professional groups I have been a member of. I get so much value out of it that I intend to maintain my membership and focus my energy and resources on ROW Gold in terms of my own development as a wellbeing professional.

Tim says while Alzheimer's could steal her memories, it couldn’t take away her spirit.
Tim Mehrtens
Director - Workplace Wellbeing

ROW Gold is a great place to make connections with like-minded people.

Price & Plans
Select the plan which best matches your needs

We’re thrilled to offer a wealth of exciting new content and resources to support your development.

Even with these rich additions, we’re pleased to announce that the price for an individual 12-month ROW Gold subscription remains unchanged at $USD 249!

Our commitment is to ensure your continuous development remains both affordable and easily accessible.


Annual | USD
Price is per person. Also available in AUD, USD, CAD, GBP, and EUR at checkout.
Org Plan
Annual | USD
Sign three people up for ROW Gold from your workplace and get a fourth membership free!
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