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January in review: The biggest hits and key takeaways


A few members suggested it would be great to have an end-of-month summary, and I thought it was a brilliant idea! It’s a nice way to reflect on what you loved, what you were thinking about, and what we learned. So, I’ll continue doing this during the first week of each month, reviewing the previous month. Here’s what was popular in January...

Top 5 popular stories

A review of the top stories showed you were thinking about taking charge of your health, workplace wellbeing strategies, and personal growth.

Those stories were:

  1. How to build a workplace wellbeing plan in 8 steps
  2. FAQ: What to say to someone struggling? Your 3-minute guide to supporting with empathy
  3. How to boost life satisfaction: What works and what doesn’t
  4. Getting back in the groove: 3 tips for your team's first weeks back
  5. Why a health diary could be the key to feeling your best this year


So what did we discover?

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