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Navigating the year-end grind: Simple tips to get through


This morning Chris asked me, "How are you?". Our standard start to the day.

I have to be honest with you. I replied, "Tired, and mildly grumpy. Not for any particular reason 😂". Just one of those days when you roll the wrong way out of bed and everything seems a bit harder.

We're getting to that time of year when the days can feel like a little more gritty. Everyone's tired, the pressure is on to get things done before the end of the year and Christmas and all the activities that go with that are just around the corner.

The funny thing is - this happens every single year. I've written columns for media on how to take care in the lead-up for Christmas a good few years in a row, and yet - generally speaking - it's still all same old, same old.

So here's the advice I recycle because it's solid advice (and will be taking myself).

1.     Be right here, right now
Practicing self-compassion is probably the last thing you’d think to add to your festive to-do list, but it can be a helpful tool if you feel overwhelmed at any point. Self-compassion is giving ourselves the same kindness that we would give a friend. There is a ton of great research on why this is a powerful approach, but as a super simple idea ask yourself 'what would I tell a friend to do right now if this was them?' And do that.

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