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Workshops and training

Upskill your people with wellbeing workshops and training

Essential skills people Leaders need now

In today’s fast-paced and uncertain world, leaders and employees face numerous challenges. Balancing work and personal commitments while prioritising wellbeing and engagement can be overwhelming.

Many employees are grappling with burnout, exhaustion, and a lack of meaningful support from their employers. These hurdles can result in low engagement, high turnover rates, and diminished profitability.

However, when employees thrive, they bring their best selves to work, boosting productivity, job satisfaction, and overall success.

At ROW, we recognize the critical importance of investing in wellbeing leadership for the prosperity of your business. Our workshops and programs equip leaders at all levels with the necessary knowledge and skills to unlock wellbeing and foster sustainable performance.

What exactly is a wellbeing leader? A wellbeing leader is someone who understands the significance of employee wellbeing and takes proactive measures to support it. They play a pivotal role in creating a positive work environment, fostering engagement, and promoting holistic employee wellness.

Ignite wellbeing leadership in your workplace

Our comprehensive wellbeing leadership training for people leaders provides them with the tools and techniques needed to excel in their role. We delve into the relationship between leadership and wellbeing, exploring how leaders can profoundly impact employee wellbeing.

We also emphasise the significance of wellbeing for leaders themselves. It’s crucial for leaders to prioritise their own wellbeing to effectively support their teams. We provide guidance on the qualities leaders need to cultivate in order to foster employee wellbeing, empowering them to be compassionate, communicative, and proactive advocates.

Looking to enhance your leadership team’s ability to champion wellbeing? Our wellbeing leadership workshops and courses provide the expertise and guidance needed to drive positive change. We ensure leaders are effectively trained in wellbeing principles, equipping them with the skills to navigate the unique challenges of creating a healthy and thriving workplace.

Investing in wellbeing leadership is a strategic decision that yields substantial benefits. Contact us today to explore how we can help your leaders become champions of wellbeing and unlock performance in your workplace.

ROW - great feedback
Janelle Somerville
Chief People Officer

I did want to drop a line through to say a huge thank you for your time and the session with us, after you left we ended up discussing the topic until well after 6pm and it was just awesome. The whole team took so much from it and really valued your time – thank you so, so much. Worth absolutely every cent.

ROW - great feedback
Workshop participant
University of Canterbury

That was the best professional development opportunity I have attended since starting here at UC. The quality of the content and the delivery was exceptional. A significant reflection moment for me about many concepts covered, it really was amazing – having openly experienced a ‘spectacular burn out’ myself last year I just milked that whole presentation yesterday for the golden messages kind of moment it was…self care practices not being luxuries, the shadow of a leader, healthy caring…I could go on and on!

ROW - great feedback
Petrina Austin
J Ballantyne & Co Ltd

Well you did an absolutely brilliant job. We were delighted with how it went and feedback so far has been very, very positive. Thank you for truly listening and considering our requirements and getting it right for our audience. We loved working with you.


The Unleash workshop series offers three workshops for different levels of leadership to fast-track wellbeing literacy and provide practical tools and resources to develop a deep understanding of the factors that contribute to wellbeing in the workplace.


Sarah McGuinness, a recognised mental health speaker and Founder/CEO of ROW, shares her fascinating lived experience with burnout in this highly informative workshop. She delves into what it is, how to recognise it and prevent and overcome it.


WILD is designed to strengthen the wellbeing capability of your leaders. This six-month program is customised to your workplace, highly practical, and multi-modal to ensure your leaders develop the skills and confidence they need to succeed.


 Investing in wellbeing leadership is not only the right thing to do, but it’s also good for business.
Unlock the potential of your people. Contact us today.
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