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Basics of psychosocial safety: What it really means and why it matters


Feel like you hear the word psychosocial safety a lot… but not sure what it’s really all about? If you’re new to this space, it can be a lot to get your head around. So here’s your jargon-free explainer on the topic to bring you up to speed.

Imagine you're at work, but instead of just focusing on your tasks, you're dealing with a boss who ignores your concerns, coworkers who spread rumours about you, and a workload so overwhelming that you don’t even have time to take a break. That would be a pretty stressful environment, right?

Just like workplaces should be places where people feel safe and supported, jobs should be places where people can work without being constantly stressed or anxious. That’s what psychosocial safety is all about - it’s making sure that workplaces don’t harm people’s mental health and wellbeing.

We all know that wearing a seat belt in a car or putting on a high-vis vest at night helps keep us physically safe. But when it comes to mental health in the workplace, we’re only just starting to take it as seriously - despite years of research showing how important it is.

If you’ve heard of psychosocial safety but not really sure what it is, you’re not alone. Many people aren't well-versed in it - yet.

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