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Revolutionaries of Wellbeing

Right now, times are tough and almost everyone seems to be experiencing it. From my conversations with people leaders and champions like you, I know the challenges you’re up against.

Hi, I’m Sarah McGuinness, founder of Revolutionaries of Wellbeing (ROW) and a wellbeing expert with a background in psychology.

In 2020, I burned out spectacularly, and recovery was a long road. As I shared my story across media and keynote speeches, I realised just how many others had been through a similar experience.

That’s when I knew it was time to step up. The human cost of burnout is too high – we’re losing out on the best of people and businesses, because of something entirely preventable.

With 57% of New Zealanders at high risk of burnout*, and similar trends worldwide, we need quick, practical, and evidence-based solutions that work. And that is exactly what now ROW delivers.

ROW is quickly becoming a go-to place for practical tools and resources designed specifically for HR, health and safety professionals, and people leaders.

But let’s be real – ROW isn’t just about resources. It’s about building a supportive community. This community-driven approach is what makes ROW so unique and powerful.

As ROW shifts into high gear, we’re set to make a real difference in how we work and live by turning evidence into action.

We’re not just changing workplace culture in businesses around the globe – we’re leading the charge for healthier, more sustainable work environments.

Here, you’ll find a wealth of resources including the latest news and research, insightful podcasts, engaging webinars, hands-on workshops, and practical courses. So dive on in!

For anyone who’s been through burnout like I have, ROW is proof that even the hardest challenges can spark real, positive change.

Join us. Let’s reshape how we work and live – for good.

The ROW story

it all started with a conversation

In early 2018, founder Sarah McGuinness was on a mission to interview 100 organisations around New Zealand to better understand the opportunities and challenges of lifting wellbeing across workplaces.

It was driven by three things:

1. Sarah’s professional experience – Having worked in and with large organisations for nearly two decades in corporate communications, leadership development, and wellbeing roles, she’d seen firsthand what a difference a wellbeing-focused culture could make. She had worked with leaders and teams that thrived, and those trying to survive.

2. Her Dad’s experience – He was a Chief Financial Officer of a large international company for 18 years and was spending his retirement undoing the effects of chronic stress. By then, Sarah and her Dad had many, many frank conversations about what he would have done differently. Sarah was driven to help others avoid the same experience.

3. Her own lived experience – Sarah had her own mental health challenges including burnout and anxiety and wanted to help normalise the mental health conversation. She’d also recently published her honours research on the eating attitudes and body image dissatisfaction of midlife adults and was struck by the sheer number of biological, psychological, and sociological changes that happen during those crucial years of our work lives.

So, one conversation led to another and on Thursday 5 April 2018, something small but remarkable happened. Four Workplace Wellbeing Champions from NZ’s most recognisable brands met via Skype for the first time to trade stories, offer peer support and be part of a guest interview, hosted by Sarah.

Over time, word got out and the group grew organically. At the time, it was called the My Health Revolution Wellness Champions Network and after some trial and error, the group settled on 6-weekly meetings via Zoom.


The uprising had started

By early 2019, there were 40 wellbeing champions in the network and Sarah tentatively put out a couple of posts on LinkedIn, sharing the group’s existence on a public platform for the first time.

The champions were senior leaders, HR professionals, health and safety professionals, wellbeing specialists, and subject matter experts.

By late 2020, the group had grown to nearly 100 champions, including a few from overseas. And by that time, guest interviews included author and clinical psychologist Dr Amy Silver and Dr Nathan Price at New Zealand Rugby.

Interviews were recorded and turned into podcasts to support capability building (and ensure no one missed out!).

Day-to-day, Sarah was focused on her two businesses – My Health Revolution, a corporate wellbeing research and strategy consultancy, and Sarah McGuinness, a brand that provided information and resources to support mental fitness and self-care – and her mental health project Take Care.


then, The world changed overnight

As the globe changed overnight with Covid-19, one thing became apparent – the champions in the network were some of the most instrumental people to how organisations coped with the unfolding crisis.

The champions led mental health initiatives, enabled working from home, contributed to business continuity, and supported wellbeing in as many ways as they possibly could to ensure employees had the support they needed.

What they needed was wrap-around support themselves – and that formed the basis of a complete re-brand and refreshed focus for Sarah and the team. By mid-2020, the Revolutionaries of Wellbeing (ROW) was born. The name represented the passion and dedication of the people in the network – they are revolutionaries. There was no guidebook – and yet they were out there creating a better world.


reforming and elevating to meet the need

As part of the rebrand, the Sarah McGuinness, Take Care and My Health Revolution brands were amalgamated and reformed under one significantly improved offering – Revolutionaries of Wellbeing (ROW). ROW was officially launched in September 2020.

Of course, not everything goes to plan.  Sarah burnt out in late 2020 (read her story in our media coverage), which was followed by a diagnosis of ADHD and fibromyalgia.

It was a game-changer. Rather than see it as a setback, she stepped up – using the experience to shine a light on the workplace wellbeing issues too important to ignore. It was also a steep learning curve, learning to take her own advice…and it’s one of the reasons lived experience is a core part of our approach. We get it. We’ve been there too.

Since the, ROW has continued to grow and we’ve had the opportunity to work with some incredible clients (get a sneak peek with these case studies). Of course, we’ve been through highs and lows too – just like other businesses trying to navigate this post-covid world, marked by recessions and more.

It has challenged Sarah to evolve ROW into something next level again. It’s about constantly adapting to the world we find ourselves in so we can have that collective impact.

ROW is now a developing platform with practical resources, tools, and news. It’s what we were doing but at a much bigger, much more exciting scale.

This new focus will help you support your people leaders and your business through these tough times of uncertainty, overload, and job pressures, and prepare for the changing economy ahead. Together, we will keep working on transforming how we live and work, for the better.

This is just the beginning. We’re on a mission to break burnout culture – for good. Join us.

Be a revolutionary of wellbeing with us

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