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Episode 1: How to build psychological safety


In this episode, our guest is Australian clinical psychologist, international speaker and author, Dr Amy Silver. Her expertise lies in enabling individuals to feel safe enough to take on growth, raising the collective intelligence of organisations. She has spent three decades as a psychologist focused on interpersonal safety, and understanding how fear and habit restrict our achievement and communication. She now works with a wide range of organisations, creating interpersonal and intrapersonal insight on how behaviours impact success.

Amy has a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology, Masters in Forensic Psychiatry, Masters in Performance and a BSc Hons in Psychology. She worked as a practicing Clinical Psychologist and an Academic Tutor and researcher at Oxford University, UK. After her career in Clinical Psychology, she has worked in corporate for 15 years using psychological knowledge, trust and collaboration to improve growth.

In this interview, Amy shares the keys to building psychological/interpersonal safety at work, and what we can take away to apply in workplaces around New Zealand.

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[…] a recent podcast interview with Dr. Amy Silver, Australian clinical psychologist, international speaker and author, there […]

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