During a recent catch-up with a group of wellbeing champions, one of them shared a crucial question: A staff member had asked if it was okay to take sick leave for a mental health day, and they wanted to know what to tell their boss.
For those of us in HR or health and safety, the answer is clear – absolutely you should! Mental health is just as valid as physical health when it comes to sick leave. But I was reminded that not everyone knows this. Many still see sick leave as something reserved for physical illnesses like the flu.
It highlighted the ongoing need to educate staff and leaders about the supports available for mental health. Of course, you’ll want to check your local legislation but, generally speaking, we’re all on the same page on this.
Not sure if your team knows the answer? Take a quick pulse check – ask a few employees if they know, and what they’d tell their manager. It’ll quickly tell you if it’s an topic you need to clarify.
Find out more
For a deeper dive into the benefits of mental health days and how to make the most of them, check out this article: READ