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Why telling your recovery story can make a difference


Over the coming months, I’ll be speaking about my burnout story at several conferences around the country. And in preparing, I’ve been reflecting on the sheer power of storytelling.

Many of you will know my burnout story. I can remember sitting in Invercargill Hospital deciding I wouldn’t hide what I was going through – I would speak up about it to help normalise the conversation. I figured if we ask others to speak up and ask for help, then we have to be prepared to do it ourselves.

And I get that is a hard ask. Speaking up can be scary. There are social norms around what success looks like, and a fear of being judged as incapable, weak, or faulty somehow. Plus, being vulnerable means putting yourself out there. Like, really out there and that can be deeply uncomfortable.

My colleague Chris Hewitt shared a Brené Brown quote with me recently, which I love: “One day you will tell your story of how you overcame what you went through and it will be someone else’s survival guide.”

I never fail to be floored by the stories people share with me after I’ve shared mine. There’s a powerful human connection that comes from sharing lived experiences that is hard to accurately describe. Humans have been telling stories to pass on knowledge since the dawn of time. It’s a technique that transcends culture, generations, and geography.

With that in mind, check out the awesome podcast interview with wellbeing advocate Michelle Ortega on the power of storytelling for better mental health in the workplace. Get tips and ideas for application in your workplace: Listen now

You may also like to join in my project, 100 Conversations About Burnout, and share your story of burnout and recovery. Find out more here: Read more

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