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Webinar Replay: Life in the Fast Brain

Thanks so much for joining us for the recent webinar, Life in the Fast Brain. It was a blast! And if you missed it, all good – we’ve got you.

You can watch the full replay here, plus find access to Contented and other resources, including the chat.



Want more?

It was epic to see the energy in the room and the desire for more! With that in mind:


1. get your ACCESS to CONTENTED

We talked a lot about Contented in the webinar and we are excited to share that we have created a Life in the Fast Brain version!

It’s only open for the next two weeks, so jump in now! 


Good to know:

  • How to use Contented: Download the guide to getting started
  • Existing files: This webinar is in there along with a great podcast from Mel Robbins. We have also added a file with all of the comments from the webinar that you can create insights from. Just select from the drop down menu in recordings.
  • Upload your content: You can also try your own uploads. We recommend doing this with your own musings and ramblings (more than 5 mins is ideal) as well as webinars, meetings, catch ups. Simply use your phone to record and then upload into the platform on your computer.

Here’s an output of the chat as an example using the Reference button output in the tool:


2. take up the challenge!

We thought you’d love to have a way to share your experiences and help shape a more inclusive workplace. Introducing The Life in the Fast Brain ADHD Workplace Challenge! The Challenge is about lifting the lid on ADHD and creating real change by sharing stories, strategies, and insights that improve understanding and support.

Why Get Involved?
  • Amplify Your Voice: Share what it’s really like to work with ADHD, driving change for yourself and others.
  • Shape a Better Workplace: Influence policies and practices to better support neurodiverse employees.
  • Create Practical Resources: Your insights will help ROW develop resources for businesses to foster inclusivity.
What’s in It for You?
  • Advocate for Your Needs: Voice what would make a meaningful difference.
  • Highlight Your Strengths: Show how ADHD can be a professional superpower.
  • Connect with a Community: Join others passionate about making workplaces more supportive.

Let’s make ADHD not just accommodated, but celebrated at work.

ADHD Workplace Challenge Instructions:
  1. Identify Your Interviewee: Choose someone in your workplace who has ADHD or a manager who actively supports neurodiversity initiatives.
  2. Interview: Conduct an interview using the provided questions (or create your own), and record the conversation.
  3. Content Creation: Upload the recording into the Contented platform. Use the tool to generate insights, summaries, and key themes from the interview.
  4. Share Your Insights:
  • Use the outputs to write a LinkedIn article, create social media posts, or even craft an internal blog post.
  • Tag Contented and ROW, or send your insights to Sarah McGuinness ( to contribute to a larger pool of research and resources on neurodiversity in the workplace.
  • Share your article and posts across your networks, promoting the importance of neurodiversity in the workplace


Breaking the Ice:

  • “What’s the most unexpected strength ADHD has brought to your work?”
  • “If you could give your ADHD a superpower name, what would it be, and why?”
  • “What strategies have helped you navigate a typical workday with ADHD?”
  • “How does ADHD affect your creativity, focus, or problem-solving in ways people might not expect?”

Support and Inclusion:

  • “What’s the best thing your manager or team has done to support your neurodiversity?”
  • “What small change would make the biggest impact for neurodiverse employees at your workplace?”

Growth and Future:

  • “How has having ADHD shaped your career path or goals?”
  • “What would you tell others about how neurodiversity can be a superpower in business?”

Community and Awareness:

  • “How can we break the stigma around ADHD in professional settings?”
  • “What’s one thing you wish more companies understood about neurodiversity?”

3. Join the Linkedin Group

We have also created a Private LinkedIn group. Feel free to send this to other people who might want to be included. It will be a super casual friendly environment. Love to see you there!


4. register for the next event

And make sure you sign up for the next event! Bring a friend, too!

We’ll talk about how to manage festive season stress with ADHD, share real-life strategies for balancing work, family, and holiday chaos, and turn ADHD’s unique challenges into your superpower. Join Hannah and Sarah as they share personal stories, practical tips, and techniques to help you thrive during the holidays. Don’t miss out on this inspiring and supportive session!

Date: Tue 19 November, 2024 (NZDT), 12pm – 1pm


webinar insights


Key points

This webinar covers:

• ADHD experiences and challenges in daily life
• Medication options and personal experiences
• Coping strategies and productivity tools
• Importance of exercise and movement for ADHD management
• Technology solutions for managing ADHD symptoms
• Rejection Sensitivity Dysphoria (RSD) and emotional regulation

Detailed summary

1. Personal ADHD Journeys and Diagnosis [11:27] Sarah and Hannah share their personal experiences with ADHD diagnosis:

  • Hannah was diagnosed about 18 months ago after running focus groups for women with ADHD
  • Sarah’s journey began during her burnout recovery when a clinical psychologist suggested she might have ADHD
  • Both discuss the relief and grief associated with diagnosis, as well as the challenges of explaining ADHD to others

2. Coping with ADHD in Daily Life [24:04] The hosts discuss various strategies for managing ADHD:

  • Using timers and alarms to structure time and tasks
  • Creating visual reminders and using object permanence techniques
  • Embracing movement and exercise as a way to focus and manage energy
  • Utilising music and rhythm to maintain focus
  • Developing personalised strategies like Sarah’s “Captain” persona for work

3. Medication and Non-Medication Approaches [43:32]

  • Hannah shares her positive experience with ADHD medication, noting improved focus and productivity
  • Side effects discussed include dry mouth and occasional shakiness
  • Sarah discusses her non-medication approach, including yoga, exercise, and skill-building
  • Both emphasise the importance of finding what works for each individual

4. Technology and Tools for ADHD Management [54:20]

  • Hannah introduces Contented, a platform for recording and processing meetings and conversations
  • Discussion of apps like Forest for managing phone addiction
  • Sarah mentions using Google Scholar for staying updated on ADHD and fibromyalgia research
  • Both hosts stress the importance of finding tools that work for individual ADHD needs

5. Work and Personal Life Challenges [31:51]

  • Oversharing tendencies and learning to manage them in professional settings
  • Difficulties with note-taking and memory recall in meetings
  • Challenges with time management and “time blindness”
  • Struggles with organisation and maintaining focus

6. Parenting and ADHD [03:56]

  • Brief discussion on the challenges of parenting with ADHD
  • Mention of different stages of parenting challenges, from babies to teenagers

Additional Notes:

• High interest in future webinars and community-building opportunities
• Attendees expressed feeling validated and supported during the session
• Potential for exploring body doubling or group accountability sessions in future
• Importance of sharing personal stories and experiences in destigmatising ADHD

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