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Episode 4: How to measure employee wellbeing


In business, it is well known that you cannot manage what you cannot measure. With the increased focus on wellbeing at work, there is a growing demand to accurately measure employee wellbeing, track progress and deliver results.

Of course, there are many ways to evaluate workplace wellbeing, but where to start and what’s realistic?

In this episode, ROW’s Dr Mark Wallace-Bell joins us to discuss the benefits and potential pitfalls of measuring wellbeing in the workplace. We discuss organisational measures, such as engagement surveys, and personal measures, such as wearable devices.

We also explore which metrics are important and how to demonstrate the effectiveness of wellbeing initiatives in the workplace.

Mark is an internationally recognised health behaviour change specialist and the Behaviour Change Lead at ROW. He has facilitated health behaviour change programmes for numerous organisations in New Zealand and Australia. When not with ROW, he is at the University of Canterbury where he teaches post-graduate papers on health behaviour change. Mark is also a member of the Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers (MINT).

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