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Can I count on you?

Right now, times are tough and almost everyone seems to be experiencing it. From my conversations with people leaders and champions like you, I know the challenges you’re up against. 

Reading that 57% of the workforce is at high risk of burnout hit me hard. Many of you will know my burnout story, and I know you’re working tirelessly – often at the expense of your own wellbeing. It’s challenged me to think about how we can transform ROW. Watch the video to find out more.

Your support on this journey means the world, and now we’re onto the next phase. You can count on me. Can I count on you? 

What’s next?

With your support, we can make a real difference together.

To make sure it’s sustainable for both of us, I’m evolving ROW into something more. I’m developing a platform with practical resources, tools, and news – it’s like ROW Green, but even better. This will help you support your people leaders and your business through these tough times of uncertainty, overload, and job pressures, and prepare for the changing economy ahead.

So here’s the ask: When we’re ready to go, I’ll be asking for around $10 a month (NZD + GST), which breaks down to just $0.33 a day to join in as a ROW member. At $10 a month, it’ll cost less than a block of cheese.

Your contribution will make a profound difference. It will allow me to focus entirely on this initiative and bring in experts to provide the tools and resources you need.

For now, the content is free but a paywall will be introduced very soon to make this all possible.

Pledge your support now – are you in? Let me know in the form on this page and you’ll be the first to know when the subscription starts. 

Together, we can create this change. I look forward to having you on this journey with me. Your support means the world, not only to me but to those around you.

Here are other ways you can get involved:

  • Sign up to ROW Green and get our weekly briefing email
  • Recommend ROW to others. Think people leaders looking for help, wellbeing champions looking for ideas, or business owners trying to survive, to name a few. Every new member counts. Get them to sign up for the ROW Green.
  • If you get real value from ROW content, make a financial contribution to help us keep ROW growing.
  • Advertise, sponsor, or invite your business to support the site in other ways. I’d love to hear from you. Send me a message via our contact form.

Together, we can do this. It’s time to break burnout culture and unlock performance – for good.

Let me know, can I count on you?

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