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Got a story?

We want to hear from you! If you have compelling case studies, insightful research, or expert views, we’d love you to share your stories with us. We know there is lots of incredible work happening out in the world, and we want to shine a light on it.

Our mission is to provide people leaders and HR/H&S professionals with timely, practical advice and insights that can help break burnout culture and unlock performance in the workplace.

What We’re Looking For
  • Topical and timely: Got an area of expertise? Share your thoughts on current workplace issues and trends.
  • Practical advice: Had lived experience? Offer your actionable insights that leaders can implement to improve wellbeing and performance.
  • Evidence-based: We value stories backed by recent research, data, or proven methodologies.
  • Real-world application: Your stories should be applicable to the workplace and be linked to breaking burnout culture.
  • Robust and reliable: We seek content that is thorough, well-researched, and credible.


What We’re Not Looking For

While we appreciate the diversity of wellbeing approaches, we focus on practical topics with a real-world workplace impact. Therefore, stories on products or approaches that claim to be a ‘silver bullet’ or lack evidence are not within our scope.


Contributing Your Story

If you have a story to share, please ensure it meets the above criteria. If you’re interested in including information that has a promotional aspect, please enquire about potential sponsored content opportunities in the form.

By contributing your insights, you can help others navigate the complexities of modern workplace challenges and promote a culture of health and high performance.


Get in Touch

Ready to share your story? Reach out to us using the form on this page with a brief on your case studies, research, or insights, and be part of a community dedicated to transforming the workplace – for good.

Let’s work together to break burnout culture and unlock the full potential of every workplace.

Share your story idea now

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