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Hannah Hardy-Jones


Hannah is the Strategy Lead for Kite Support.

Hannah has an extensive background in HR, specialising in leadership development and employee relations. She developed the concept of Kite as a result of her experience with postpartum bipolar disorder after the birth of her first child, coupled with the lack of support and tools for employees she saw in the workplace to manage their mental health, focus on their wellbeing, and to improve themselves both professionally and personally. 

Using the principles of microlearning, Hannah created Kite to be the beautiful app that it is now. It launched globally in Feb 2019 as a tool for mothers (Kite for mums), and is now available as a template for any client or group to mould and shape, so that it is applicable and relevant to their audience- under the arm of Kite for Business. Hannah has a team of 20 consultants rolling this solution out across Latin America, USA, UK/Ireland, Europe, Australia and NZ.

Hannah speaks openly about her mental health, and has been featured in Forbes, appeared on TV1 Seven Sharp and TV3 The Project, the front page of The Press- as well as numerous magazines, radio, articles and podcasts. She is an active mental health advocate- with a passion for maternal and paternal mental health in particular.

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